School hot rolls

School hot rolls 1

* You’ll Need :

° 1 qt. of warm water.

° 1 cup of sugar.

° 1 cup of powdered milk.

° 1 cup of oil.

° 1 tbsp. of salt.

° 1 pack of yeast.

° 8 cups of all-purpose flour

* How to make :

In a bowl, combine together water, yeast & sugar to melt yeast.

In another bowl, combine together milk, salt, and 4 cups of flour. In the one bowl, if the yeast is melt, join in oil and lay to the second bowl with dry ingredients.

Add the rest of flour a small at a time until you obtain the right consistency. The dough should not be too slimy neither too hefty.

Allow dough remainder to double waist.

Do the rolls & bake in a preheated oven at 350 degrees about 21 min.

The better part to this recipe is that you can utilize it for rolls,  loaves, buns, pizza crust.


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