Ingredients:° 250 g of chicken breast° 3/4 Chinese cabbage° 2 large handfuls of bean sprouts° 1 red onion° 3 tbsp Kikkoman soy sauce° 1 tablespoon of nuoc mam° 1 tbsp of oyster sauce° 1 clove of garlic° 1 piece of ginger about 2 cm° 1 tablespoon of oil° Salt and pepper* Preparation:Cut the chicken into pieces.Slice the cabbage then rinse it.Peel then mince the onion.In a wok, heat the olive oil and brown the chicken over medium heat until golden (about 8 minutes).Add the Chinese cabbage, bean sprouts and onion, season with S&P. Mix everything and cook for 5 minutes maximum while sautéing (the vegetables must remain crunchy)In a bowl, combine the soy sauce, nuoc mam, oyster sauce, chopped garlic and grated ginger.Pour into the wok off the heat, stir then serve.This dish can be eaten like this or with rice.

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